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Oculoplasty Surgery

Oculoplasty Surgery

Ocular plastic & aesthetic surgery has advanced at a rapid pace in recent years & it is a sub specialty at ASIAN eye institute & laser centre in Mumbai.

It includes surgeries on eye lids, lacrimal drainage system, orbital surgeries. Aesthetics include injections of botox& fillers to hide age related wrinkles of facial skin, blepharoplasty for removal of redundant skin.

Most commonly performed operations –

  1. YouDacryocystorhinostomy surgery. ( “NASUR” in common language) External operation through skin gives best results in expert hands. Scar is very small ,is placed within the skin crease & fades away with time. Endonasal operation through nose avoids skin scar but chances of failure are high.
  2. Ptosis- drooping of the upper eye lid. For congenital ptosis, brow suspension with silicone sling is done. For post trauma, aponeurotic defect is repaired or aponeurosis is reinserted to tarsus. For mild to moderate ptosis with good levator function- Fasanella-Servat operation is performed.
  3. Entropion- Eye lid margin is inverted & eye lashes rub against cornea leading to irritation & watering. Can be easily corrected surgically.
  4. Ectropion- Lid margin is everted leading to watering.
  5. Orbital implant with prosthetic eye- when visual recovery is not possible & to provide better looking cosmetic appearance , porous implant is incorporated.

Ask an Question to Asian Eye Institute and Laser Centre

Asian eye institute & laser Centre (AEILC) is an iso 9001-2008 certified eye hospital providing modern &fully integrated “Eye Care Services” and Pan-ophthalmology Services in Mumbai since 2004.



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